Monday, January 22, 2007

Freaking Superficial

I have to write a few scenes for my drama writing class about a new experience I had this past weekend. The best thing that I could come up with was Tray Surfing with some of my girls. Now I have to write something creative based on that experience. My protagonist has to want something and then I have to deny them of whatever it is they're desiring. My protagonist wants a good scar. Like the kind boys give high-fives to each other for and compare.

Deep thoughts?

Nope, just the context reversal of the phrase "Chicks dig scars." Some girls fawn over the scars on their man. Other girls want scars of their own . . . and can't seem to pull it off. Are we Crazy? pretty much, yeah.

Crap, now it sounds like I'm onto something . . . maybe. Pressure pressure pressure.

This is going to require a lot of self-relfection. Crap Crap Crap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dang. I need more scars.